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More About Us

Circular Bakery & LAB
Our bakery LAB offers workshops, team building activities and space for food experiments. We also sell sourdough bread in our micro bakery. The atmosphere is playful and we work a lot  with our hands. Our café is a great place to enjoy a drink while eating delicious home made vegetarian food. The products we use and sell are often organic and sometimes locally grown. Read more about our story in the media.

Reducing Food waste
Bread is one of the most wasted foods. Our procedure for the reuse of stale bread was selected as best practice by a Dutch sustainability agency. Our expanding knowledge has paved the way for innovative methods and recipes that allow us to tastefully incorporate byproducts generated during the processing of fruits and vegetables. 

School for circular entrepreneurship
In addition to learning the craft of bread making and other products, our team also learns more about circular entrepreneurship. Our team learns how to manage a circular bakery and creatively reduce food waste. Such social entrepreneurship is meaningful and instructive, but also a challenge. We help our colleagues who may soon want to engage in their own social entrepreneurship to explore this challenge and learn the craft. At the beginning of 2024, we started formalizing these activities in the school for circular entrepreneurship. If you would like to know more, or need advice to prepare your company for a more circular future, please feel free to contact us: hallo@bakinglab.nl

Social Mission
One of our goals is to find new ways to upscale small artisan concepts and explore authentic circular business models. In our view, food waste is a missed opportunity to develop new products and procedures.  Rather than blindly following conventional procedures, we prefer finding new ways to promote positive social impact. Our method to reuse old bread has been selected as one of the best practice examples by the Dutch Circular Foundation.

Read more about our social responsibility, purpose economy and what we have archived in the last years.

Informal science education
Our story has evolved over time, but it is seeded in making sourdough bread. The simplicity of making bread involves complex biological, chemical and physical processes. Making bread is not difficult, but neither is it a piece of cake. Why?  In recent decades a lot of scientific effort has been invested in understanding the various processes underlying the bread making process. In our LAB we develop science education programs to share our findings with a general and professional audience. We are a certified training company (SBB, nr  25464).

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Upcoming workshops, events & experiences

Thu 17 Oct
10:00 - 15:00
€ 95
Mon 21 Oct
10:00 - 15:00
€ 95
Mon 28 Oct
10:00 - 15:00
€ 95

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Sourdough map project

Our social contribution is expressed in many different ways, among them is the sharing of our sourdough starter. It has been shared with our community since the start of our bakery and during the corona pandemic many more people came over to collect our wild leaving culture to bake at home. Recipients of our sourdough are now requested to share their location so we can visualise its distribution. Read more…