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Nothing is thrown away, nothing is created, everything is transformed

At the end of 2023 a delegation of French bakers came to visit a number of bakeries in the Netherlands to learn more about their business models.
Baking Lab was one of them.

A nice quote from the Report about our circulair bakery:

Antoine Lavoisier would say……
“nothing is thrown away, nothing is created, everything is transformed”
Rien ne se perd, rien ne se crée, tout se transforme
French Chemist Antoine Lavoisier is famous for his contribution to quantitative chemistry and the discovery (together with Joseph Priestley)  of oxygen

The delegation at Baking Lab, pronation of the thumb

During the meeting at our bakery Baking Lab shared information about the pronation of the thumb and its role in controlling fire, which obviously plays an essential role in the evolution of mankind and the science of baking.

The report – in French – is available here

The Baking Lab wheat clock
Read more about the way we transformed garbage into  a source of Inspiration